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How to Help


Thank you for showing interest in Evans Promise Council!  We could not make a difference in the success of our students without the generosity of the community.

There are many ways to be involved:

1.   Make donations when specific needs arise.  When a student need is determined the PC will send out an email with the specific request.  As you receive those notices, you can make donations when and how you wish.  Sign up by contacting the PC Chair (see contact information on the website). 

2.   Make a donation from the Promise Council Wish List.  We are always in need of the following items which can be dropped off at the main school office.

  • Hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, body wash, etc.
  • Household items: toilet paper, paper towels, laundry soap, dishwasher liquid, etc.
  • Gently worn and clean shoes, clothes, coats of all sizes (Think PC when your child out grows his or her clothes.)
  • New undergarments and socks of all sizes
  • Non-perishable food items

3.   Mentor a Student.  This requires a year commitment and background check.  You will receive training and monthly support.  Contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Illinois at (309) 828-7383 for more information.

4.   Attend monthly meetings.  We are always looking for ways to better meet the needs of the students!  By attending the meetings you can provide insights and suggestions as to how we can better meet those needs and function more efficiently.  Meeting dates and times are listed on the website.      
