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Promise Council

Image of promise council logo

The Evans Junior High School Promise Council is a collection of caring adults who work to connect community resources to the specific needs of students as identified by teachers and staff at our school.

Our goal is to remove barriers to learning because we believe that all children deserve the opportunity to achieve success through education.

The Evans Promise Council is committed to supporting students through the following areas:

 ·        Providing adult mentors for students
 ·        Increasing opportunities for parental engagement
 ·        Meeting physical needs of students when they stand in the way of academic achievement

We know that each school is a unique community whose students and families have unique needs.  In cooperation with school leaders and community contacts, we have designed the Evans Promise Council to meet some of the unique needs of EJHS students.  Although we’re a new group we are continually working to streamline our operation, identify what needs we can and can’t meet, and learn to operate efficiently.  Click here for a flyer that explains the Promise Council Mission.

What type of needs could the Evans Promise Council meet?

Our initial focus is in meeting students' academic and physical needs.  We wish to increase mentoring opportunities and fill those spots with volunteers.  We want to provide additional opportunity for parental engagement at the school.  In addition, we intend to quickly meet the needs of students when they fall within our guidelines to do so.

Who determines those needs? 

When a teacher identifies a student as having a need, which hinders their academic success, the teacher/guidance counselors submit the request to Evans's Principal, Mr. McGraw.  A determination is quickly made as to whether or not the request is appropriate for the Promise Council. 

How will the Evans Promise Council fill needs that are determined to be appropriate?

The Evans Promise Council works with individual volunteers and partner organizations across all sectors: businesses, universities, service organizations, faith-based groups, retirees, and health care to meet the children's needs.

How can I help?

If you wish to help, click on the link in the left side menu, How to Help, and see what opportunities you have for making a difference in the life of a child.